July 27, 2022Jacobie M Helena Visser

BibleBooster launch day | 26 July 2022

New BibleBooster launches


Beatrice Hooper, the General Secretary of the Bible Society of Angola, shared at the BibleBooster launch how significant digital transformation is for their Bible Society. Joining the BibleBooster community fits their strategy perfectly because, in the coming months, their focus will shift to digital matters, which include digital publications, capturing and producing content, and e-commerce. A digital strategy will aid the Bible Society of Angola’s external and internal sustainability.


Rodrigo Guerra, Mission Programs Director of the Bible Society of Argentina explained that BibleBooster is a wonderful tool to further develop their Bible engagement projects. They are very excited because their Bible engagement projects required strong digital support. They believe that BibleBooster is going to be a vital tool to be able to enhance their work on Bible engagement issues.


The BibleBooster platform is a tool that allows the United Bible Societies of Ecuador to bring the contents of the Bible closer to new audiences. In a country with deep social inequalities, they have a large mass of the population that has existential questions. For example: “Who am I? What am I here for? What is the meaning of life?” Ecuador’s Executive Director, Daniel Oliva, believes that BibleBooster can be a tool that helps the people of Ecuador to address themes about interpersonal relationships and the Bible and justice in their everyday lives.


Rostyslav Stasyuk, Communications and Project Officer of the Ukrainian Bible Society, said that since the Russian-Ukraine War started they were watching the developments, and they noticed huge shifts in their audience. Rostyslav continues: “The United Nations statistics show that millions of people are leaving Ukraine. Within the country, there are also internal movements of people fleeing from the Eastern, Northern and Southern parts of the country towards the Western parts. Due to all these shifts, the way we engage with our audiences needs to be changed. And the only way we can think to engage with our end-users is in a digital manner.

 Our hope is to reach people and find new audiences using digital tools for example the BibleBooster platform. We are thankful that our BibleBooster colleagues will be able to guide us further because we need orientation with campaigns and strategies to reach our different audiences,” Rostyslav explained.

Behind the scenes

A message from the developers

Launch day pictures

Stefan van Dijk (right), Executive: Project Board, started the launch event with a presentation explaining the history and overview that lead to the new BibleBooster brand. Adriano Silva (left), Development Manager, Jaap Groen (middle) and Elismar Vilvock (right) observe Stefan's presentation.

The BibleBooster team attends the launch event from behind the scenes at the Bible Society for the Netherlands and Flanders's office in Haarlem, the Netherlands. From the left Gisela Liedtke, Project Manager, Adriano, Jaap, Elismar, and Moritz Hartmann, Project Owner, during his presentation about the BibleBooster Plus and Pro version. In front from the left are Markus Hartmann, Content Manager and Stefan. 

The BibleBooster team members are "boosted" with power during the launch event.


Owned by the Bible Societies of Germany and Netherlands-Flanders.

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